Sunday, December 2, 2012

2012 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 2

What a great start we had to the tour yesterday. If you haven't had a chance to visit yesterdays blogs, please do so. One of them is even hosting a Christmas Puzzle where there is a handmade ornament for the person who gets the most guesses correct! I am not going to tell you which one though! You have to visit the blogs to find out!

I am sure it will be another great day as we get to visit with the following bloggers:

*Rachel @ a fair substitute for heaven
*kelley @ the road goes ever ever on
*Tasha @ Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Books

Today's quote comes from page 71 of School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister

He didn't even mind those early Christmas mornings when first one, then another toddler would climb into the bed that he and Helen had so recently fallen into themselves after a night of putting together wooden wagons, or bicycles, or dollhouses. He opened his arms and they piled in, trying to convince him that the streetlight outside really was the sun and that it was certainly time to open the stockings, if maybe not presents, when in fact it was usually only two in the morning. Helen would groan good-naturedly and roll over, telling Carl all she wanted for Christmas was a good night's sleep, and he would pull the children close and whisper the story of the Night Before Christmas until they would slowly, one by one, fall asleep, their bodies draped across each other like laundry in a basket. When the children got older, self-sufficient enough to go on their own midnight exploratory missions among the boxes under the tree (where, more often than not, Carl and Helen discovered them sleeping in the morning, Carl found himself missing their warm intrusions into his dreams.

1 comment:

Joanna Hennon said...

What a lovely quote, I love that book!

And - I am in awe at how organised you must be to collect Christmassy quotes throughout the year... Wow.
